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Manageable demands and workplace stress are often spoken about in the same breath. And it's no wonder - with the ever-increasing pace of life, it can be difficult to keep up. For many people, the demands of work are becoming increasingly unmanageable, leading to feelings of stress and anxiety. It's important to remember that we all have a different threshold for what we can handle. What might be a manageable workload for one person could be overwhelming for another. The key is to find a balance that works for you. If you're starting to feel overwhelmed, talk to your boss or HR department about ways to lighten your load. You may also want to consider making some changes in your personal life to reduce the amount of stress you're under. By taking proactive steps to manage your workload and reduce stress, you can help ensure a healthy work/life balance.
In today's business world, it's all too easy to get caught up in the culture of "hustle." With the always-on nature of technology, it can feel like we're expected to be available 24/7. However, this isn't sustainable in the long run, and it's important for leaders to create an environment where employees don't feel like they need to work all the time. This doesn't mean that goals should be lowered - rather, it means that employees should be given the flexibility to work reasonable hours and have a good work-life balance. When employees feel like they have a healthy balance, they'll be more productive and engaged. So, if you want to create a high-performing team, give them the space to breathe.
Making this change starts in the mirror. Most executives who create an all-work no-play environment tend to live for work. To create balance for your team, you must create balance for yourself first. Here are 6 simple ideas:
Assess the demands of your job and identify which ones are unnecessary or could be reduced
Talk to your boss about reducing or eliminating these demands
Delegate tasks to other team members whenever possible
Take time for yourself each day to relax and rejuvenate
Connect with friends and family outside of work
Find a healthy balance between work and personal life
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